Category: Climate Change

Technology for Early …

Emmanuel Mukisa As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events around…

Stiell calls for rol …

By Johnson Thembo Puruka Bonn (German) – UN Meeting SB60 As parties meet for the…

Uganda looks at Ecos …

Sironko district in Eastern Uganda is hosting this year’s World Environment day running under the…

Lake Victoria Water …

By Johnson Thembo Puruka With the current water volumes of Lake Victoria locally known as…

Enough has been talk …

A Number of declarations have  been drawn on the issue of climate change - conservationists…

UN Climate Change di …

By Johnson  Thembo Puruka On 19th.  April.  2024 the UN Climate Change announced the global…

Africa breaking thro …

Diana Kibuuka A new analysis by Zero Carbon Analytics an international research group that provides…